A downloadable game for Windows

Proyect Exhib Demo

Hey, thanks for checking Proyect Exhib out. Here you can find downloads for all demo versions of the game I’m working on, it’s still in its very early stages. 

Proyect Exhib is a NSFW game with a focus on exhibitionism and its related kinks. The buzzwords are sandbox and rpg like. It’s planned to be very customizable so you can experience the game however you want, you’ll be able to change your character or the included fetishes to your liking. 

I hope you enjoy the game. If you'd like to find out more about it, incoming updates or help by giving feedback and reporting bugs, consider joining the Discord. If you'd like to give feedback or report bugs anonymously you can do it here.  Also if you want to help monetarily I've opened a Patreon.


  • Public nudity
  • Exhibitionism
  • ENF
  • Accidental exposure
  • Involuntary photography
  • Blackmail [Optional]
  • Self bondage [Currently only with the lampposts at the park]

Related features:

  • Photography. NPCs may take photos of the player naked, you can save them. The player can also take photos of themselves, either selfies or by placing a camera
  • Masturbation
  • Facial expressions that can be manually changed
  • Poses
  • Traits to customize your character
  • Enable/disable fetishes, like blackmail for example
  • NPCs react in different ways when they see you naked

A guide on the latest added features can be found in the game if you’d like a longer explanation.

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(16 total ratings)
Made withUnity, Blender
Tags3D, Adult, Anime, Erotic, exhibitionism, Female Protagonist, Prototype, Singleplayer, Third Person, Unity
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


[Latest]ProyectExhibDemoUpdate3.rar 369 MB
[Old] ProyectExhibDemoUpdate2.rar 341 MB
[Old] ProyectExhibDemoUpdate1.rar 336 MB
[Old] ProyectExhibDemo.rar 325 MB

Install instructions

Download the latest release, extract the game files from the rar file and enjoy!

Development log


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please keep cooking

Keep up the good work, man.


Mobile/android version?

Unlikely tbh, sorry





Any chance of this getting controller support?

Yes, but it may take a while.

Deleted post

I love this game, I think it has great potential. I would like to give you some feedback so you can improve the game and make it awesome. I will list first what I think the game NEEDS and then what I personally would love to see added or changed. Please don't take this like a harsh criticism to your game, I just would love to see it be a great game. I may be a little hard because the game still needs a lot of work but I'm trying to be as polite and friendly as possible. Also this will be a really really big comment so I'm sorry in advance.

Changes needed (no particular order)

  • Better movement: In my opinion the movement is pretty basic so in order to make it feel better and more natural I think it needs more animations. An example would be like GTA V movement, I know I'm making a huge example since that's a AAA game but you get the idea, just more natural movement.
  • Ability to change controls: I find some keys a little a awkward to use, for example the buttons to cover the characters chest and crotch so if those buttons where in the left and right click if would make it a lot easier to use.
  • Character customization: I'm sure you already have this in mind but I still find it like something I had to say. Also if you implement this I think it would be really nice to be able to save presets of different characters so you can change easily to different models, like a game called HYPERDEEP, if you check it out you will see what I'm talking abut.
  • Better and more sounds: I think sounds right now are fine but I still think it needs more work. The footsteps sounds are kinda low quality to be honest but this don't need an update, you can leave this if you want. The more important sounds I'm referring are: hear the girl moan when she masturbates, hear the NPCs react when they see you and also say something like compliment the girl when she's exposing herself, ambient sounds like wind or city sounds, etc. Basically more sounds to make the game more alive.
  • Better camera placement: Placing the camera exactly where you want it is pretty difficult, it takes me like 2-3 minutes to get a good angle. I would make buttons to move the camera when it's already placed or make a button that toggles what the WASD keys move (the girl or the camera). Also being able to tilt the camera up and down would be nice.
  • Game modes: Right now the only objective the game has it to take pictures of yourself or let NPCs take photos of you, there's little to no replayability. I'm not saying that free roam should be removed, it would still be the core feature of the game. Adding game modes of course would need different maps or a single map that is bigger with more hiding places (this one can still be the free roam map of course), but also would make it able to introduce an economy system in which you can get money to buy stuff like clothes, poses, hairs, etc; but of course this would mean that you would need to balance the game modes so none of them are way better to get more money than the others so the player can play which ever they want and still make around the same money if they played any other. My suggestions are:
Points-based Game ModeYou need to get as many points as possible (either with time limit or not) by exposing yourself without getting caught or without filling a meter that rises when someone sees you and slowly goes down when no one sees you, using the cover chest/crotch buttons will make the meter rise slower. The riskier the more points you get (this can be measured with distance from NPCs or how close you are to a road. Main roads give more points since there will be, by average, more NPCs there, just like cars), and the longer you do it also the more points you get, also there can be a combo meter that gets higher and higher the more point you get in a row without being spotted. Also staying in the same place for too long (I would make it like 10 seconds or so) would stop giving points or straight up deducting points so the player is forced to move to a different location risking being spotted.
Time-based Game ModeYour clothes are spread across the entire map, you will need to collect them as fast as possible without getting caught naked or without filling a meter that rises when someone sees you and slowly goes down when no one sees you, using the cover chest/crotch buttons will make the meter rise slower. Of course the faster you get all your clothes the better. Also you can make it that the girl is always naked to make it more difficult or she wears the clothing as she recovers it, or you can split them in difficulties: easy (clothing on as you collect it) and hard (always naked).
  • Bigger map: I already mentioned this in the last point but the map right now is too small, there are too few places to get nice risky pictures. Nice additions can be: alleys with trash or dumpsters, bigger objects in the sidewalk, more secondary locations like a dead-end street or dirt roads where not many NPCs decide to go. One location that is pretty good in my opinion in the current map is the in the next picture, you can use it in the big map.

  • Make the "horny" meter deplete overtime: I think this is needed because it's what happens in real life and also because the only way to lower it is via orgasm, maybe make it a toggle in the options menu (?). I'm not asking for a simulator of course (I wouldn't mind tho, I love simulators 😉).
  • Give red meter a real purpose: When you play in "Shy" mode there is a red meter and I'm not sure what it means, I think is her getting embarrassed and if that's the case I think it raises too slowly. Also I think it only makes the girl blush which in my opinion in not enough to justify the meter, make it do something else, something that actually impacts gameplay like not letting the girl masturbate or pose.
  • Bugs: Of course there are bugs, god dammit! I found a couple so far, not game breaking but still there.

      Once I was just playing with the menu of poses and all of that and then the game just kept the menu open with the game in slow motion, then randomly decided to close while I was spamming Z to close it.

      I was trying different expressions and sometimes it gets stuck in one of them for a moment and then back to normal.

  • Make an actual main menu: Probably the least important in this section. The main menu has pretty much nothing, not even the options are in there nor the title of the game, in my opinion those need to be in there.

Changes I would love to see (no particular order)

  • More NPS variants: I would add more NPS variants, there are like 2 I think and it makes them look all the same, I would rise that number to 6 at least, 3 male and 3 female.
  • NPC reactions: I already mentioned this in the sounds section but I would love to see the NPC react to the character, make them act surprised, in love, embarrassed, nervous, angry, exited, call the police (lol), etc.
  • More kinks: Just wanted to mention it, I saw you already know what kinks you want to add.
  • More animations, poses and expressions: Pretty much what title says, specifically animations when the girl strips her clothes and when masturbating. Also make the climax animation more intense, you can barely see her cum, and add water particles in her crotch.

I have more but they have been already been mentioned in other comments like day/night system or letting NPCs take advantage of the character. Hope this is helpful and can't wait to see this game grow and become amazing!


Hey, I'm glad you like the game and believe it has potential, I really am. I wanna thank for you your comment, there's a lot of feedback there and  I truly appreciate it, you're like my ideal commenter. I read parts of it and I'm impressed you were very thorough. I didn't read it all since I'm not able to work on the game now until mid November, in fact this is probably the last chance I'll have to check the comments until then. I wanna read it fully when I'm able to work fixing the bugs you reported and including your ideas, and of course when I'm able to give you a more in depth response. So thank you again for your comment, it's not an issue at all the length of it, I'm actually hyped to read it. And negative criticism is also not an issue at all, to be offended by it would imply that my game is perfect as it is and that is just not the case, and it probably never will be.

As a side note, if the horny level doesn't decrease on it's own when clothed and not masturbating then I fucked up some of the numbers because it's definitely supposed to decrease.


Thank you for your reply, I'm actually really happy and exited that you liked it. Also sorry what I said about the horny meter not decreasing, I didn't think of putting the clothes on, if you do it does decrease.


I’m finally back. Once again thanks for the comment! I really appreciate that you thought about the game and its future and that you took the time to write it all out.

  • Better movement. I’m not sure if I understood correctly what you were trying to suggest so I’ll address both interpretations that I had. 
  • You mentioned gtav movement as an example of what the game should strive for, but I disagree. I’m using rdr2 as a reference since I’m much more familiar with that one as I haven’t played gtav in years and they’re similar enough on that department iirc. There’s a term for what I’m referring to that I can’t remember right now, but essentially in rdr2 when you press a key to move the game plays an animation, your character movement is driven by that animation so when you stop pressing that key your character doesn’t stop moving until the animation is done. I have nothing against this type of movement handling, in fact rdr2 is one of my favorite games, but I don’t think it fits my game for two reasons. One, even in a game as high end as rdr2 it gets wonky somewhat often and if that whole team couldn’t make it work right everytime I can’t even aspire to a quarter of that polish. Two, that type of movement is pretty, realistic and very immersive, but I don’t believe that will fit the game. I’d prefer this game’s movement to be responsive rather than fancy, since two of the main mechanics of the game will be hiding to avoid detection and running away from npcs. With those mechanics in mind, your character not moving or stopping exactly when you meant it to could lead to frustrating or unfair situations that I’d rather avoid. Of course if along the way more people voiced their preference for this type of movement it could be changed, right now though priority is adding more of the basic features and structure. I think this topic will be revisited once the game development is further along.
    On the other hand if you meant that the game needs more or better animations I totally agree. Currently there’s just walk, run and idle, with no transitions between them, only what unity can come up with. Also the animations were done by yours truly and I’m definitely no animator. They will improve as development progresses, through me becoming a better animator or by buying animations/hiring an animator. 

  • Change controls. Thanks for the suggestion, it will be added though not in the next update, it could take a while tho.
  • Character customization. I plan to add some on the next update, just colors for the moment. Things like breast size, hairstyles, clothes, etc. Are planned but may take a while as I would need money to hire someone for it or buy other assets. I checked out the game you mentioned, while character customization probably won’t be as in depth as that one’s, presets could be implemented into the game. I had thought about something similar for colors but I’ll have to see what comes of it.
  • More and better sounds. Yes, hard agree. Currently the game is just a demo meant to be played a few minutes to check it out (though if someone plays it for longer I’m really glad you get such enjoyment from the game and would love to hear your thoughts about it) and as such sounds are low on the priority list as I feel they’re more important for longer play sessions. Moans and npc sounds are something that are planned but I haven’t really thought how to make them, by that I mean where to get the sounds from.
  • Better camera placement. Those are great suggestions that I hadn’t really thought of. I’ve added it to the list of things I’m working on, so thank you!
  • Game modes. Game modes are not exactly the direction I want the game to take, at least in the way of the game just being different game modes. I’m getting quite ahead of myself since it will take a while to get to this point of the game, but essentially my plan for the game is a sandbox/open world/free roam or whatever other term there is for it. You will have to manage different things, for example as you mentioned, money. You’ll need money to pay rent (not paying may lead to a game over) and it can also be used to buy clothes and other items. You can get money by working normal jobs, or you can get potentially more money by doing lewd jobs. Taking risky public photos of yourself and selling them is one of the methods I have planned. I can see some game modes being “quests” that can make you money and if that’s what you meant then yeah they will be added.
  • Bigger map. Definitely, this map is just a demo scene to test out mechanics. Zones are what I have planned for the game, for example a residential zone or a park zone, with each having different density and amount of npcs. Areas that can produce interesting situations are something that I tried to do in the current map, for example with the area you mentioned on your post. I definitely think it can be improved for future maps.
  • Horny meter. I saw that you mentioned that it does deplete when you dress up, but I wanted to add on the topic that arousal, embarrassment and other things need fine-tuning. I’ll have to test it out to do so, but reports like the one you made about embarrassment increasing too slowly help out a lot. I’m thinking of ways for the player to change how these formulas behave, nothing concrete for the moment.
  • Red meter. Thanks for the suggestion. The shy trait is meant to be restrictive about what you can do. Currently it only changes facial expressions and doesn’t allow manual cover up, not allowing masturbation once a certain amount of embarrassment is reached would be a great way to add to that, but I’ll have to try it first as it might take away from the fun. In the full game, the restrictions of the shy trait can be slowly removed as you expose yourself more and more, as often is the case for these games.
  • Bugs. I’ll try to replicate these reports and fix them. I have an idea what the second one might be about.
  • Main menu. Damn, I hadn’t even thought about adding the title of the game to the main menu, I’ll see if I can cook something up. Toggles work weird in Unity, but I’ll try adding those options to the main menu.
  • More npcs. Yeah they will be added, it might take a while as I can’t make a good one on my own. Women npcs are planned too.
  • Npc reactions will be expanded upon, but for the moment just their basic behaviours will be worked on, like following, running or just staring.
  • More kins. I definitely have more ideas for kinks and traits, if you have any don’t be afraid to share them!
  • More animations. More animations are planned! But they take me a while since I’m not a very experienced animator, stripping animations are in the works. Facial expressions will be tough, the ones in the game are mixes from ones that came with the player model. Your suggestion for water particles for the climax gave me the idea of adding a “squirter” trait, I think that fits part of what you were talking about.

Your comment has been helpful and I hope that future updates of the game live up to the potential you see in it.


Welcome back! I'm so exited to see what you can cook with the game, I love your ideas and what you want the game to become, I even think is better than what I thought would be good. And also wanna mention that I totally agree with the better movement part, I hate that kind of movement lol but you got what I meant about adding better animations. Also I love what you mentioned in the game modes part, I didn't even think about that, sounds really fun!


Thanks! Also, I really appreciate the enthusiasm about the game. I hope you'll enjoy future updates.


can you list the fetishes in game?

Sure, I hadn't thought about making the list so thanks. It's now added to the description, but here it is too: 

  • Public nudity
  • Exhibitionism
  • ENF
  • Accidental exposure
  • Involuntary photography
  • Blackmail
  • Self bondage

No problem, and thanks for the reply!

Bro this is like 100time better the roxanne by dev.. graphics wise


I'll take that as a compliment. I checked out the game you mentioned and I like it, there's no need to compare you can enjoy the two different takes on the same subject.


I'm waiting for the game got an update like more clothes variants such as school outfit, swimsuit, rain coat and some other features (peeing and masturbating)


Hey, thanks for the suggestions. I hope you'll be glad to hear that most things you mentioned are planned for the game, new clothing may take a while though as I'd need to hire someone for it and I have yet to open a patreon or similar to gather funds for the game.


got it and thanks for the reply I will try to donate some cash for u and ur project.

I would really appreciate that, but don't feel obligated to, only do it if you want and it wouldn't hurt your finances.
Also masturbation was added in the last update, currently it only has animations and no sound though, I hope you'll enjoy it either way.


sir, permission to ask for the next update estimation?


Chief, permission granted. There's been a logistical issue with your next supply drop, working conditions began to normalize just a couple of weeks ago. ETA during August, most probably at the end of the month. If further delays occur your supplies will be shipped in the first weeks of September, though if that's the case you can expect a smaller quantity.

pode fazer uma versão para Android?

Não está planejado e no momento vejo como improvável, lamento


There's a lot of potential here. I'd personally like a day/night system, whether that's a toggle or just a time function, and different kinds of lighting accordingly. Also, femme bystanders would be good too, and while I'm making wishes here NPCs taking advantage of your pose would be great. Character customization would also be nice but isn't necessary. All in all, it's pretty good so far, and could be really great in the future.

Hey thanks! I hope you'll be glad to know that the features you mentioned are already planned for the game, though I'm not sure about the poses one as I didn't quite get it, would you mind elaborating a bit?


Like, if you choose a squatting pose an NPC might initiate an oral sex animation based on that, is what I'm imagining. I don't know how complex that would be to code, but it would be really fun I think. Maybe you could categorize poses based on what parts they make available and NPC-initiated sex animations could require certain body parts to be exposed? Does that make sense?

I see what you mean now, to be honest I hadn't considered how posing would interact with the future implementation of groping or other sexual acts, but I'll keep it in mind when I have to implement it.
The main issue is that while I see it plausible code wise, I'm not a very skilled artist so It'll take a while for my artistic abilities to get there (making the male nude model and sex animations). What will probably come sooner is that I open a patreon to gather the funds to hire an artist or to buy already made models.
In any case when the time comes I might play with a few ideas on how to approach that feature, I had though something like, when an npc reaches you to do something you have to do a quick time event to avoid it or something along those lines, only if the player chooses to have that feature enabled of course.


Thanks for the credits in the description. Happy to say no hiccups at all when downloading the new version. Game downloaded properly with no warnings at all this time. Great to see a dev involved with the community this much. Try not to get too overwhelmed or overworked!

No problem and I'm glad to hear! I gotta wonder what could have been upsetting the antivirus before. Thanks! I'll try to not get burned out, keep it steady.

is it a bit early to ask what fetishes are planned?


Not at all, though these plans are not set in stone. This comment might get a bit long.

Almost every fetish even slightly related to exhibitionism is at the very least being considered. Some of those that I have already thought out how to implement are: ENF, forced exhibitionism, clothes stolen, unaware nudity, wardrobe malfunctions. Bondage is already in the game but very bare bones and will be expanded upon. All of the classic sexual acts will be added (straight and gay sex, bj, masturbation, etc). "Darker" fetishes will be added to the game but in a way that lets player avoid them entirely if they want to, some of those fetishes are: blackmail, non consensual acts, paid sexual acts. As I said before some of these could get scrapped if they prove to be too ambitious, complicated to integrate or for other reasons entirely.

In any case once the game is out of the prototype stage I intend to take into account suggestions from people interested, and if there's enough demand for another fetish, it might be added to the game.


Your work is appreciated sparten.

thank you for the credits in the devlog. I'll be downloading the next version to see how it worked out.

until then good job and good luck on your mission. 

sierra out.



an option for a non inverted Camera would be great to be honest other than that looks good and animation for the poses but that can wait 

Thanks! I added the ability to change if the camera is inverted and it will be included in the next update. When masturbation is added, one or more of the poses will be moved to poses you can do while masturbating, those will be animated. The player will keep looking stiff for the other poses I'm afraid, though I will work on it eventually, It's just now a priority right now.


great to hear just be carful pace your self and don't burn your self out on this lots of great projects fall to ruin like that

I've been stressing myself out a bit over the next update and it has barely even been a week, so I'll try to keep your advice in my mind.

will there be any sex?

Eventually, yes.


well, nice work so far,

tho i don't like the inverted cam, and the mouse is constantly on screen which is also confusing.

other than that you passed sparten, move on to next mission.

chief out.


I hadn't even considered those things until you mentioned them. I already worked on a fix and it will be out with the next update, so thank you for your feedback chief.


Download scans as a trojan. 

That's no good. Could you share more info so I can look into it?
Scanning the exe on virustotal comes back clean. From a quick google search it seems that it could be just an antivirus giving a false positive, I found some threads that said specific antiviruses detect unity games in general as malware.

(1 edit)

Yeah no problem. I've read that too, Microsoft even has a page on false positives. Windows Defender is trying to prevent  the  completion of the download from itch due to Defender believing it has encountered a Wacatac.B!ml trojan. I'm sure most of us do not use Defender normally but I just hadn't disabled it yet and thought that giving you a heads up would be nice since you never know what AV someone might choose to use. Not sure where exactly it thinks it finds it but I hope I might have helped a bit.

Update: Problem seems to be only with Windows Defender, other AVs find no threats.

Of course, thanks for the heads up, I'll se if there's something I can do about it, but from the looks of it not much. Guess I could put a link to the virus total scan and explain the windows defender issue, apparently with the unity version I use [2020]. I wouldn't want somebody skipping on trying the game because of a AV false positive.
Also I sure hope I do well too. Yeah it's very similar to Roshutsu, I used to wonder if my idea for an exhibitionism game would be exactly the same as what those guys had in mind, but now I'll probably never find out. They rebranded and moved to another project and the original dev parted ways with the team it seems.

Also game seems to have some Roshutsu vibes which is great considering Roshutsu is abandoned. Not many free roam style exhibitionism games out now so hopefully you do well.


nice prototype

Thank you!